Saturday, May 06, 2006

Well since i got some great advice frm the few well known bloggers that we shld persist on Non-politically podcasting n blogging of the elections.. I better be careful wad i say.. Dun wan to end up broke n bankrupt.. ^-^

Ah... Today's election day at last after a long week of tongue lashing at each other trying to dis-credit the opposite party. I wld say that tis election is kind of entertaining.. Really.. Its something to wake some people up in the ruling parties. And also its so very happy week for some "yao gui" *hokkien* (hungry ghost aka greedy people). The different parties have been going ard giving free gifts to the people trying to win their hearts. go all ard shake people's hands.. This and tat.. 4 days ago i was workin at SSC then there was this grp of customer super into politics one la.. Throughout the entire dinner.. They were talkin abt the elections.. Then one thing that nearly make me laugh out n drop dishes is this: "Aiya... So of them talk cock one la. Ownself don't even stay at the place he contesting for. Then make so many promises to make it better. Now during election time we see him so many times. Then why b4 elections we nearly dun even know he existed la! Wad is he doing? At home praying for the well-being of the area he took care of?" *still got other stuff but tt one cannot blog cos its more political* He's steady sia.. lolx...

Then there came along one nice joker tat made such a big boo-boo by FORGETTING to pass up his form, then nvm.. Agrue somemore to the office that he gt. Make himself so pai seh when the elections office even show the CCTV feed to the public. Then the situation was taken as an advantage to the opposite party. The joker got shot in the head so badly by remarks that they had to come out with a very bad excuse.. "All that thing that happened is jus a SHOW. Its all faked." I cannot stop laughing when i saw the report on the reply they gif.. *pengz*

Part 2 of the two part Saga came by in the mid of the elections stuff. The guy tat got himself in deep shi^n became bankrupt. Then he still dun give up and wentto try be funy.. See la.. Now maybe kena sued again.. Lol.. Good luck...

Ok so much of tat.. Went to watch MI 3 yesterday... Not a bad movie.. Plot is like 3/10.. (All MI is exactly the same... Save the world and stuff) Action is 9/10 (U don't normally see people jump off buildings n pivot themselves to the other building 200 metres away..) Not bad.. Really u guys shld go catch it if u have the time.. BUT then lol when we were buyin the tickets.. Something caught my eye..

M18.. Election 2.. (Graphic Violence)

Basically when i see this movie.. It reminds me of the current election we have la... lol.. I actually nearly wanted to do a photoshopped pic and put it here. but guess better not.. I may be jailed.. So lol use ur imagination ya ppl? =P

Ok ok i hear the suggestions.. And the constant nagging that my blogskin is really bland.. I doing up new skin! In the process though... Kinda rusty already ar my photo shop skills and html... Will try my best ^-^V

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