Saturday, April 28, 2007

Wha.. As wad i said.. To escape from Mindef is harder then striking the first prize in the 4D or ToTo draws. Everyday pray so hard they forget abt me this chao recruit. No they didn't. They rememebered today. -.- God.. Everytime i see the kuku lil sign of 2 i dunno wad animals touching a crest in the middle, I know not good news. Never has it been good news. Another Crest also something like tt one. And tt is call Summon Letter. -.- Think they lost in space that one.. I owe them so much but they like MIA. Good. MIA more.

Sigh.. Enlistment in Sept. Far i know. Nevertheless. I am quitting. God. I am so sick now. (Feeling better now though) Body ache until like kena *long* by the lorry so many times. Still got *talek* reverse gear whack back lo. Neck dun feel like mine. And i am burning up like a piece of charcoal. No shit. Basically i pain in typing every word sia. Come to think of it i shld stop. I shld rest. So oh ya.. Haha. Bye for now..

12:30 AM

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eDw|n TaN
Wasted Off 20 Years of Life
A person who does not like emotions
Emotionally Unstable
21st April 1987 i Saw The Ugly World



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