Sunday, June 01, 2008

wah. i cannot rmb when was the last time i ever came in to blog! omg i am blogging!!! wakakak >.<>

Going for Pure White design this time! Porting everything done to this bike omg. Accleration for the first 5secs chao crazy pick up compared to the little "xiao huang" i had ^^ This is actually quite a good bike. But it was until i figured that the seller cheated me of a IU unit that i felt darn sian abt -.- I was like trying to insert my cash card cos going town then i sat on the bike and reached for the left hand side like my last bikes what i always do. Then i felt like eh.. How come got the blank feeling. Basket after a while then i noticed. SHIT no IU! Knn tio pian.. IU don't come cheap...

So moral of story. Never too gan jiong when buying stuff. I already told myself that. But apparently i didn't heed my own advice -.-

11:46 PM

eDw|n TaN
Wasted Off 20 Years of Life
A person who does not like emotions
Emotionally Unstable
21st April 1987 i Saw The Ugly World



::Jia Hui


::Another Joyce ^_^




::Shi Ru

::Xue Lian




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