Sunday, October 01, 2006

Back again... Just finished watching Stay Alive and darn its nice.. Although it isn't exactly the best horror flicks out there but yea.. It serves its purpose though.. To give those lil chills.. Much more of a horror flick for the gamers..

Guess wad? U don't nid to pay $9.50 to go to the movies to watch this.. Lil did i know that ITS ON BLOODY YOUTUBE! Damn.... Guys you heard me... If u wanna watch this.. Go Search for Stay Alive.. zZzz.. It comes in 8 parts.. Enjoy.. 56kbps modem users can forget abt it...

Here's some Screenies..:

This scared the shit out of me cos of the damn sound effects.. Super loud..

The main ghost/demon of the show.. Elizabeth Bathory.. Supposedly a dark myth in the 1600s.. Did my research n nothing much abt her came out leh... Apparently her story in true life is that she is a Hungarian Countess serial killer who bathes in blood to keep her youth..

*Screaming her head off because of a bad hair day..*

Enjoy the show ppl.. Its really not bad.. 6.7 out of 10 ba..

Oh sold off my Dopod 818Pro already.. Its too powerful for me seriously lol... The nxt phone i going for wld be W900I.. Not going to be easy since its phased out due to some particular reasons.. ZzZz ok la.. Gonna go sleep.. Nxt blog will be of something more serious

3:18 AM

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eDw|n TaN
Wasted Off 20 Years of Life
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21st April 1987 i Saw The Ugly World



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