Saturday, July 15, 2006

Been watching quite a no. of shows these few days.. Dun get me wrong. I am STILL busy as per normal.. Squeezing time out to watch one.. Those midnite shows type one.. Let's make a list to recommend u guys..

1. Ok.. One lame show.. Really.. 5/10... got time to waste go watch..

2. To me considered nice la lolx.. Lame jokes for lame ppl onli.. 7/10 <-- my opinion..

3. Ooh nice show... Literal pain in the ass though cos its a 2hr plus show.. So get rdy ur cushion lolx.. 8.9/10

4. Although biggest poster here.. BUT ENTIRE SHOW IS CRAP. LOL worst jap show i ever seen.. The entire show is a joke. I laughed more than i spoke for the movie lolx. 1/10.. lowest score ever in my entire life lolx.. Super cheap production.

That sums up much for the movies.. Darn gotta go sleep first i guess.. Work in 4 hrs... zz hope i am able to wake up..

Before that... Sharing wif u guys something lame frm the net...Damn cold... Moral of the story.. Dun anyhow use punctuation marks..

A panda walks into a diner, orders a roll, eats it, then draws a gun and shoots the floor. "Why?" asks the confused waitress, as the panda heads toward the door. The panda tosses her a poorly punctuated wildlife manual. "I'm a panda; look it up.

"PANDA. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China.Eats, shoots and leaves."

1:26 AM

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