Saturday, February 25, 2006

Its hard to believe but haha i jus woke up ^_^ its like 7pm nw.. lol.. Wei! No la i didn't sleep frm night till now la.. I finished work at4+am yesterday. 5+6am then sleep. Update abt my work =)

Yesterday's Fuji Xerox Appreciation party worked out VERY WELL! All the hard work for the past few days and stuff paid off.. Harris is a genius ^_^ But as wad ppl said abt in chinese. "Tai shang shi feng zhong, tai xia shi nian gong." Its darn true.. The day before the event, i spent like nearly $100+ on taxi and oil(Bike).. *Of cos got claim la* And in 6hrs run like 8 places which are darn far frm each other. Confirm the costumes.. Confirm booking of Marina Mandarin hotel ballrooms.. Go facilitate full dress rehersals.

At the rehersal.. Nah beh.. Screw the 3 dumb xerox old witches. Ma fan till dunno like wad la... Even their boss and my boss cannot tahan them..

Dumb old Witches: "I wan leggings and opaque stockings!! I dun care if dun have i dun do liao"

Me and Su: Okok... We will get for u... *Cursing and swearing under our breath, we went Marks and Spencer to buy using our own money. Freaking expensive.. U can count on that..*

Dumb old Witches: "No! This one not opaque enough. I dun want to wear!" A HOLE.. Nah beh.. Waste our time go buy for u.. Waste money.. Dun wan to wear.. I nearly wanted to use that stockings to strangle her.

So much for the day b4... On the Event day, we reached at 10am and do coordinating all the way till 12am.. Then went back to the hotel do debriefing and etc till 4am lor.. No food the entire day cos there isn't time to eat.. Nearly died la.. Nvm.. Dun wuss abt stuff liao.. Show u ppl some pics.

At the entrance of the ballroom..

A very small percentage of goodie bags we packed.. @_@

In the ballroom where most of the guest were bored of too much sharkfin and good shit so went over to dance.

Nearer to the dance floors.

My boss and Vernetta Lopez(Emcee of the nite) dancing.. But she moving too fast la.. haha.. Cannot capture..

Our event practically turned the entire Marina Mandarin Hotel's ballroom ard.. Guests had a great time.. Fuji was happy.. = boss happy.. = i happy cos good pay liao =P

6:42 PM

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21st April 1987 i Saw The Ugly World



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