Sunday, February 19, 2006

Hmmz was going thru the webbies.. Noticed one thing frm Xiaxue's blog.

She wrote tis: (Extract)
For example, a bouquet of 99 roses (almost guaranteed you won't be lonely that night) costs only $198!

At other florists, it costs up to $300, and guess what? that $198 spent is inclusive of $100 worth of gift vouchers by Charles and Keith, Anderson's Ice Cream, and Le Salon!
Not bad right?

Now see, girls are very tough to please. If you spend like an idiot, she'll say she'd rather you give her the money to spend than to spend $400 on roses.

If you don't give her any flowers, you can expect to see a black face. So how?

Wow this is all so true to some gals.. *Thinking abt some fren's galfren.. hmm..* But of course not all girls are like tt. Some still has sainity and heart.. Kudos to those girls..

Anyways nothing much done today except going thru websites.. And i found a site which host darn cute pics la.. Gotta share gotta share... @_@


*sticks tongue out* *Bleah*

U dun like veggies i dun mind eatin them fer u =)

A little bunny in a vast field

2:21 PM

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