Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Wow.. Look at today's news.. Looks like another person jumped on the train tracks yet again today...

Tuesday October 31, 8:17 AM
Man killed by train at Clementi MRT station

It became like a noticable and worrying trend that ppl in the west and northern side tend to throw themselves and accident rates there regarding such incidents are occuring more there. And this is already like the second one in just two weeks... I really wonder why ppl choose to end their life this way. Painful and grotesque.. Ouch.. I think SMRT really should adopt ideas from some countries that their train tracks are blocked away by automatic guard doors until when the train arrives then the doors will open to let the commuters board the train. Expensive though.. But i think its gonna save a lot of lives... Imagine a person wanna end his/her life, then need to climb over the railings. Sure got ppl see one and stop him de ma. Think ah SMRT think.... Dun jus think abt earning our money... Wad safety and courtesy campaign not really working lo. Not all ppl are stupid enough to claim their dropped items from the train tracks. Many jus deliberately jump down. So therefore u campaigns seems a bit useless if u ask me.

Well so much for the news today.. Sigh.. Now sitting at my desk doing nothing much except surfing the net and writing reply mails to clients. But also good ba... Unlike ytd... So busy and stuff.. But i guess i won't be really faring well for apparisal le... ZzZ Not tt i do anything wrong.. But i jus have this weird feeling... Sigh...

Bei's having exams now... Gambatte! 7 more mins to the end of ur today's exam! =P *hugs*
(i know u sure will come read ltr de lol 1 more paper onli! I will be there fer u...)

11:35 AM

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